
Mary Andrews College offers five Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses, as accredited by the Australian College of Theology.

Diploma level study is suitable for women who wish to gain a deeper understanding of how the Bible shapes our ministry practice in the local church and wider community.

Which Diploma is right for you?

  • Integrates study of the Bible with a more practical focus on ministry.

    1 year full time, or a maximum of 8 years part time (96 credit points)

    The Diploma of Ministry involves an expected maximum of 11 units (96cps).

    Units in this course are completed at AQF Level 5 or above.

    Core Units:

    Old Testament Overview (OT003-512) [12 credit points]
    New Testament Overview (NT003-512) [12 credit points]
    At least 8 credit points in Christian Thought & History Units (unit codes starting with TH/CH/PE)

    Primary Course Disciplines:

    At least 24 credit points in Ministry & Practice Units (unit codes starting with PC/EM/DE)

    Elective Units:

    At least 36 credit points in elective units from any field of study to reach the total of 96 credit points.

    Time Commitment:

    Each 12 credit point unit requires 150 demand hours. This includes 36 hours of class time plus additional time for completing required readings as well researching for and writing your assignments.

    Each 8 credit point unit requires 100 demand hours. This includes 24 hours of class time plus additional time for completing required readings as well researching for and writing your assignments.

    Course Rules:

    Maximum concurrent enrolment load: 60 credit points [in one semester]

    For more information on the Diploma of Ministry, including course rationale, course learning outcomes and early exit options, see the ACT’s website at www.actheology.edu.au/course/DIPMIN20

  • Provides a foundation in theology as a basis for ministry.

    1 year full time, or a maximum of 8 years part time (96 credit points)

    The Diploma of Theology involves an expected maximum of 11 units (96cps).

    Units in this course are completed at AQF Level 5 or above.

    Core Units:

    Old Testament Overview (OT003-512) [12 credit points]
    New Testament Overview (NT003-512) [12 credit points]
    At least 8 credit points in Christian Thought & History Units (unit codes starting with TH/CH/PE)

    Primary Course Disciplines:

    At least 24 credit points in Bible & Languages and Christian Thought & History Units (unit codes starting with LA/BB/OT/NT/TH/CH/PE)

    Elective Units:

    At least 36 credit points in elective units from any field of study to reach the total of 96 credit points

    Time Commitment:

    Each 12 credit point unit requires 150 demand hours. This includes 36 hours of class time plus additional time for completing required readings as well researching for and writing your assignments.

    Each 8 credit point unit requires 100 demand hours. This includes 24 hours of class time plus additional time for completing required readings as well researching for and writing your assignments.

    Course Rules:

    Maximum concurrent enrolment load: 60 credit points [in one semester]

    For more information on the Diploma of Theology, including course rationale, course learning outcomes and early exit options, see the ACT’s website at www.actheology.edu.au/course/DIPTH20

  • Provides solid training in theology and ministry for effective pastoral ministry.

    1.5 years full time, or a maximum of 8.5 years part time (144 credit points)

    The Diploma of Theology/Diploma of Ministry involves an expected maximum of 17 units (144cps).

    Units in this course are completed at AQF Level 5 or above.

    Core Units:

    Old Testament Overview (OT003-512) [12 credit points]
    New Testament Overview (NT003-512) [12 credit points]
    At least 8 credit points in Christian Thought & History Units (unit codes starting with TH/CH/PE)

    Primary Course Disciplines:

    At least 24 credit points in Ministry & Practice Units (unit codes starting with PC/EM/DE)
    At least 24 credit points in Bible & Languages and Christian Thought & History units (unit codes starting with LA/BB/OT/NT/TH/CH/PE)

    Elective Units:

    At least 60 credit point in elective units from any field of study to reach the total of 144 credit points

    Time Commitment:

    Each 12 credit point unit requires 150 demand hours. This includes 36 hours of class time plus additional time for completing required readings as well researching for and writing your assignments.

    Each 8 credit point unit requires 100 demand hours. This includes 24 hours of class time plus additional time for completing required readings as well researching for and writing your assignments.

    Course Rules:

    Maximum concurrent enrolment load: 60 credit points [in one semester]

    For more information on the Diploma of Theology/Diploma of Ministry, including course rationale, course learning outcomes and early exit options, see the ACT’s website at www.actheology.edu.au/course/DIPTHMIN20

  • The Advanced Diploma of Ministry introduces students to the sources and content of the Christian story and message, and provides training which emphasises application and practice of this story and message in the contemporary world at a higher level than the Diploma of Ministry.

    1.5 years full time, or a maximum of years part time (144 credit points)

    The Advanced Diploma of Ministry involves an expected maximum of 16 units (144cps).

    Units in this course are completed at AQF Level 5 and above, including 48 credit points at AQF Level 6 or above.

    Core Units:

    Old Testament Overview (OT003-512) [12 credit points]
    New Testament Overview (NT003-512) [12 credit points]
    24 credit points in Christian Thought & History Units (unit codes starting with TH/CH/PE)

    Primary Discipline Units:

    48 credit points in Ministry & Practice Units (unit codes starting with PC/EM/DE), including at least 12 credit points at AQF Level 6 or above.

    Elective Units:

    At least 48 credit points in elective units from any field of study to reach the total of 144 credit points.

    Time Commitment:

    Each 12 credit point unit requires 150 demand hours. This includes 36 hours of class time plus additional time for completing required readings as well researching for and writing your assignments.

    Each 8 credit point unit requires 100 demand hours. This includes 24 hours of class time plus additional time for completing required readings as well researching for and writing your assignments.

    Course Rules:

    Maximum concurrent enrolment load: 60 credit points [in one semester]

    For more information on the Advanced Diploma of Ministry, including course rationale, course learning outcomes and early exit options, see the ACT’s website at www.actheology.edu.au/course/ADVDIPM20

  • The Advanced Diploma of Theology covers a wide range of knowledge, sources and practical skill development at a higher level than the Diploma of Theology.

    1.5 years full time, or a maximum of 8 years part time (144 credit points)

    The Advanced Diploma of Theology involves an expected maximum of 16 units (144cps).

    Units in this course are completed at AQF Level 5 and above, including 48 credit points at AQF Level 6 or above.

    Core Units:

    Old Testament Overview (OT003-512) [12 credit points]
    New Testament Overview (NT003-512) [12 credit points]
    24 credit points in Christian Thought & History Units (unit codes starting with TH/CH/PE)

    Primary Discipline Units:

    48 credit points in Bible & Languages and Christian Thought & History Units (unit codes starting with LA/BB/OT/NT/TH/CH/PE), including at least 12 credit points completed at AQF Level 6 or above.

    Elective Units:

    At least 48 credit points in elective units from any field of study to reach the total of 144 credit points

    Time Commitment:

    Each 12 credit point unit requires 150 demand hours. This includes 36 hours of class time plus additional time for completing required readings as well researching for and writing your assignments.

    Each 8 credit point unit requires 100 demand hours. This includes 24 hours of class time plus additional time for completing required readings as well researching for and writing your assignments.

    Course Rules:

    Maximum concurrent enrolment load: 60 credit points [in one semester]

    For more information on the Advanced Diploma of Theology, including course rationale, course learning outcomes and early exit options, see the ACT’s website www.actheology.edu.au/course/ADVDIPTH20

The best way to consider if a Diploma at Mary Andrews College is right for you is by booking an obligation-free chat with Dean of Students, Kate Snell.

A note from Kate:

Units offered in 2024 Semester 2

Wisdom Literature (English)

Diploma (Bible and Languages subject)

OT016-612 • Dr Kamina Wüst • 5 Fridays

  • Proverbs, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes and Job are some of the most enigmatic books in the Old Testament. In this unit you’ll step into the world of wisdom traditions in the Ancient Near East before probing the wit and woe of the biblical wisdom collection itself. Learn to handle these quirky books with confidence and appreciate how they enrich and are enriched by the gospel of Jesus.

    Semi-intensive unit

Christianity in History From 1550

Diploma (Christian Thought and History subject)

CH002-512 • Dr Nicole Starling • Fridays

  • Church history is a little bit like family history. It’s a chance to learn about where we’ve come from and who we are as we investigate the last 500 years of Christianity. We’ll learn about those who reinvigorated the church with their emphasis on personal devotion, and those who threw themselves into social activism and mission work. We’ll focus on events and people that speak to us as 21st century women. We can’t wait to explore our “family history” together!

Foundations of Pastoral Care

Diploma (Ministry and Practice subject)

PC013-508 • Rev. Di Morgan • Wednesdays

  • Improve your skills to care for others pastorally. This unit on pastoral care will introduce you to the biblical basis of caring and how to care for people in different stages of life and in a range of different situations and contexts. This unit will also give you the opportunity to practice and develop your skills in active listening, encouragement and dealing with conflict.

Explore all our Diploma Units

Bible and Languages Subjects

Old Testament Overview

OT003-512 • 36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

  • The Old Testament forms the background to the message of Jesus, but often we don’t feel confident in our knowledge of it. The story of the Old Testament will unfold week by week as the content and major themes are explored. This is a great opportunity to be equipped in your understanding of each section of the Old Testament – Law, Prophets and Writings.

Wisdom Literature (English)

OT016-612 • 36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

  • Proverbs, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes and Job are some of the most enigmatic books in the Old Testament. In this unit you’ll step into the world of wisdom traditions in the Ancient Near East before probing the wit and woe of the biblical wisdom collection itself. Learn to handle these quirky books with confidence and appreciate how they enrich and are enriched by the gospel of Jesus.

    Semi-intensive unit

Selected Pauline Letters and Revelation: An Introduction

NT043-512 • 36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

  • John’s incredible letter of Revelation is the option selected for study in this unit. This is a great opportunity to delve into a part of the Bible that many find baffling. You will closely examine the text as well as learn how to apply the letter’s theological insights to your own life and ministry.

New Testament Overview

NT003-512 • 36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

  • In this unit, you will learn about the social, historical and cultural world from which the New Testament arose. Study the contents and themes of the gospels, Acts, Romans, Hebrews and Revelation with a view to the way you can incorporate these into your own life and ministry.

    (This unit is not offered in 2024)

Christian Thought and History Units

Theology Overview

TH040-512 • 36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

  • How do we know God? What does God reveal about Himself to us through His word? In this unit, you will study the central doctrines of the Christian faith including the trinity, creation, the fall and grace. You will also consider ways to apply these important doctrines to your own personal life and ministry contexts.

Rise of Christianity

CH040-512 • 36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

  • Christian history is a reminder that our faith is embodied and grounded in history. In this unit we will have the opportunity to be mentored by those who have gone before so that we are better equipped to live and minister in the present. Starting with the early Christians, we will hear the story of Christianity up to (and including) the Reformation. By understanding more about our brothers and sisters from the past we will be able to understand more about ourselves in the present.

    (This unit is not offered in 2024)

Christianity in History From 1550

CH002-512 • 36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

  • Church history is a little bit like family history. It’s a chance to learn about where we’ve come from and who we are as we investigate the last 500 years of Christianity. We’ll learn about those who reinvigorated the church with their emphasis on personal devotion, and those who threw themselves into social activism and mission work. We’ll focus on events and people that speak to us as 21st century women. We can’t wait to explore our “family history” together!

Christian Ethics

PE001-512 • 36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

  • This unit provides foundational knowledge in biblical and philosophical ethics. Students will explore major themes in biblical ethics, including Old and New Testament perspectives, and learn to apply Christian ethical reasoning to contemporary issues. The course covers key ethical theories and their application to real-world dilemmas such as divorce, sexual morality, and social justice. By the end of the unit, students will be equipped to relate Christian ethical perspectives to modern living and ministry contexts.

Ministry and Practice Units

Applied Pastoral Care

PC014-512 • 36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

  • In this unit, you will develop your practical skills in pastoral care. You will learn how to ask helpful questions, listen effectively and employ boundaries. You will also learn how to apply the scriptures to important pastoral issues in your own life and as a foundation for ministry work in pastoral care. Foundations of Pastoral Care (PC013-508) is a prerequisite for this unit. (This unit includes a practical component).

    (This unit is not offered in 2024)

Christian Spirituality

PC064-512 • 36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

  • This 12 week unit will provide an introduction to the biblical, theological and historical understanding of the nature and practice of Christian spirituality and spiritual formation. We will consider various key spiritual movements from the time of the early church, identifying some of the influential women and men of faith and their contributions. There will be opportunity to experience a range of traditional and contemporary spiritual disciplines that have been significant in helping Christians individually and corporately grow into the likeness of Christ.

    (This unit is not offered in 2024)

Disability and the People of God

DE028-612 • 36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

  • 1 in 5 people in Australia live with some kind of disability. And yet, people with disability are described as the most unreached people group. This unit will introduce you to the issues of disability and inclusion from a biblical and practical perspective and allow you to hear first-hand experiences from people with disability and their families.

    (This unit is not offered in 2024)

Foundations of Christian Mentoring

PC112-508 • 24 hours class time (100 hours total study time)

  • The Christian faith is not just a set of beliefs, it is a way of life… following the way of Jesus. And to do that it is helpful to have guides and fellow pilgrims. We might call them mentors, and we might be in at a place and stage where we can offer that gift to others. Come and learn what mentoring is, how to do it, what to avoid, and how Jesus mentored his disciples for all of life.

Foundations of Seniors Ministry

PC017-508 • 24 hours class time (100 hours total study time)

  • Getting old or living with dementia is tough! The good news is Christian pastoral care of older people and people living with dementia can make a huge difference. This course presents a Biblical understanding of both aging and dementia and provides practical tools for sharing Jesus’ love in this critical context.

    (This unit is not offered in 2024)

Foundations of Pastoral Care

PC013-508 • 24 hours class time (100 hours total study time)

  • Improve your skills to care for others pastorally. This unit on pastoral care will introduce you to the biblical basis of caring and how to care for people in different stages of life and in a range of different situations and contexts. This unit will also give you the opportunity to practice and develop your skills in active listening, encouragement and dealing with conflict.

Pastoral Care for Those with Mental Ill-Health

PC135-612  • 24 hours class time (100 hours total study time)

  • Learn about common mental health conditions and treatments provided by mental health professionals.

    The unit presents a biblically and theologically informed approach to providing effective pastoral care for people living with mental ill-health and those caring for them, helping you to understand the distinctive contributions that churches and pastoral carers can offer alongside the work of mental health professionals.

Theological Perspectives on Mental Health

PC137-612  • 24 hours class time (100 hours total study time)

  • There is increasing awareness of mental health in our society and in the church. But how do we make sense of mental health challenges from a Christian perspective? This unit will help you develop a sound biblical and theological understanding of mental health to inform your Christian ministry or professional work.

More about the Diploma courses offered at Mary Andrews College

  • Subjects will be taught in hybrid mode, i.e., students can attend class in-person on campus or attend online at the scheduled class times.

  • Each of the ACT’s courses listed above are part of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). Diploma courses are AQF Level 5 and the Advanced Diploma courses are AQF Level 6. The admission requirements are:

    • ATAR: Completion of Year 12 in the last 2 years with an ATAR of 65 or above; OR

    • Previous Qualifications: Successful completion of a qualification at AQF Level 5 or above; OR

    • Demonstrate Academic Suitability for course: Test, brief essay, or interview.

    • IELTS 6.5 overall with minimum of 6.0 in each subtest OR 10 years in Australia with English being the language primarily spoken both at home and work.

      For further information, refer to the ACT’s Coursework Course Enrolment Policy.

  • Mary Andrews College is an Affiliated College of the Australian College of Theology (ACT). The tuition fees are set by the ACT on an annual basis. More information about tuition fees is available at: https://wwwactheology.edu.au/tuition-fees

    For 2024, 8 credit point units cost $1,856 per unit, and 12 credit point units cost $2,784. A FEE-HELP loan may be available from the government to cover the cost of your tuition for each unit counting towards a complete Diploma or Advanced Diploma course. (Note that Single Unit Study for one-off units require upfront fee payments.)

    For 2024, auditing 8 credit point units cost $304 per unit, and auditing 12 credit point units cost $450. Auditing fees are set at a subsidised rate by Mary Andrews College and require upfront fee payment. 

    Please enquire if you need to pay in instalments.

  • Auditing is where you don’t undertake any of the assessments, nor do you receive a qualification, but you do gain great insights personally and also for your ministry.

  • A FEE-HELP loan scheme is available from the government for eligible Australian citizens to cover tuition fees for Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses. Completion of the entire course is expected, and repayment of the FEE-HELP loan and loan fee is based on personal taxable income. Please read carefully the information at www.studyassist.gov.au

  • This course includes digital and online components. You will need access to a device and reasonable-quality internet that allows you to engage on Zoom with audio and video. The classroom component of the subject is live and designed to be interactive, and therefore sound and video make your experience and those of others far richer. You will also need a device to access resources such as class notes and online library resources, including ebooks, and to submit assignments. At Mary Andrews College, we want to assist you at each stage of your learning journey, and we can point you in the right direction for your digital and online experience.

  • For more information on the ACT’s Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses, see the ACT’s website at https://www.actheology.edu.au/our-courses