We live in an age of anxiety, both at a global-political level and at the level of our own personal experience. But we are not the first Christians for whom this has been true. This “Evenings with MAC” session with Dr Nicole Starling, Academic Dean at Mary Andrews College, will be exploring some of the pitfalls and comforts of the theology of Christian hope, building on the Scriptures and dialoguing with voices from the Christian past.
About our speaker:
Dr Nicole Starling has lectured on Christian History since 2014 and her published research includes articles on evangelical history, the temperance movement, and the ministry of women in early colonial Australia. She has worked in paid and unpaid Christian ministry in a variety of contexts for the past 25 years, and currently attends Chatswood Baptist Church with her husband David and their four children.
(Please scroll down on the ticket widget below to see and register for the second Evening with MAC on Monday 22 May 7-8.30pm – Dr Nicole Starling: “Hope in an anxious age”)