Our Staff
Dr Laurel Moffatt
A lecturer, teacher, writer and researcher, Dr Laurel Moffatt has spent the last decade combining her research and writing skills with her love of Jesus and the Bible. With a background in tertiary education and more recent experience as the Diocesan Researcher for the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, she brings strengths of not just qualifications and experience, but curiosity and grace to lead Mary Andrews College as Principal.
Rev. Kate Snell
Dean of Students
BTh, GradDipEd, BBus, MA(Theol)
Kate has a Bachelor of Theology and is ordained as a Deacon in the Anglican Church. She also has teaching qualifications and has served as a high school teacher and school chaplain. She has also served in Parish ministry and is a member of St Philip's Anglican Church, South Turramurra where her husband Brian is Associate Minister.
Mel Hanger
Dean of Operations
BBus, DipTh
Creating an environment where students can flourish and study well is a priority for Mary Andrews. Mel contributes to this endeavour through developing and improving vital systems and processes. Mel welcomes your feedback and loves generally encouraging students during their time here.
Rachel Ciano
Academic Development Advisor
BTh (Hons) (SMBC/ACT)
Rachel is a Lecturer in Christianity in History at Sydney Missionary Bible College. Her research focuses on sixteenth-century Reformation history and theology. She is the co-author of 10 Dead Guys You Should Know, and 10 Dead Gals You Should Know. She serves alongside her husband who is the minister at Marrickville Road Church. Rachel brings to the role a passion for seeing women theologically trained and equipped to bring Jesus to their communities.
Dr Katrina Clifford
Education Manager
BA (Hons), MLitt (Merit), PhD
Katrina is passionate about training and raising up women for service. As Education Manager, she brings her experience in research, tertiary teaching, and student support to Mary Andrews College. Katrina is keen to help our students thrive academically, and support our lecturers as they teach and train our students.
Sarah Barry
College Registrar
As College Registrar, Sarah is responsible for the administration of our courses. Sarah has been with Mary Andrews College since 1995 and Registrar from 2008.
Erin Elton
Resource Development Manager
Erin manages the college library collection and assists students in resourcing their learning. She is passionate about women gaining an excellent theological education no matter their background or stage of life.
Grace Gayden
Programs Administrator
Grace is your main contact at Mary Andrews College, bridging communication between students and staff, handling all inquiries, and ensuring smooth operation of our systems. Additionally, she manages the Mary Andrews College Moodle.
Lauren Miller
Office Assistant
Lauren is our Office Assistant, and assists in general tasks around the college.
Our Lecturers
Dr Louise Gosbell
DescriptiBTh, MTh (Hons), PhD, GradCert Disability Policy & Leadership
Louise lectures in New Testament and Disability Studies and is the author of a range of academic publications as well as the Sydney Anglican Diocesan accessibility guidelines for churches. She is Research Manager at the Australian University of Theology, and a regular speaker and presenter, particularly on disability and church practice.
Dr Vivian Cheung
BAppSc(Phty), BTh, MATh, PhD
Viv lectures in New Testament at Mary Andrews College and Youthworks College. She is a graduate of Moore Theological College and Australian University of Theology. In 2024 Viv completed her PhD in Biblical Studies in New Testament. She is passionate about seeing students grow as people after God’s own heart, with knowledge and skills, through their experience of theological study.
Joanne Charles
BAppSc(Phty), MA(Couns)
Jo teaches in the areas of mental health and wellbeing and has taught Biblical Counselling in a range of theological settings. She is an experienced biblical counsellor working in private practice and finds great joy in exploring with people how Christ meets them in their need. Jo and her husband Michael attend St Stephen’s Newtown.
Alison Courtney
BEd(Secondary), BA, MACO
Ali teaches in the areas of mental health and wellbeing and is a trained counsellor. She studied at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Massachusetts, USA, where she was taught to thoughtfully integrate the areas of psychology and theology. Ali is also a freelance author who writes on themes related to mental health and pastoral care for a Christian audience.
Rev. Kate Snell
Dean of Students
BTh, GradDipEd, BBus, MA(Theol)
Kate has a Bachelor of Theology and is ordained as a Deacon in the Anglican Church. She also has teaching qualifications and has served as a high school teacher and school chaplain. She has also served in Parish ministry and is a member of St Philip's Anglican Church, South Turramurra where her husband Brian is Associate Minister.
Dr Nicole Starling
BA / LLB (Hons), MA(CS), MRes, PhD
Nicole has lectured on Christian History since 2014 and her published research includes articles on evangelical history, the temperance movement, and the ministry of women in early colonial Australia. She has worked in paid and unpaid Christian ministry in a variety of contexts for the past 25 years.
Rev. Di Morgan
BComm, BTh, GradCertProfSupervision(Pastoral)
Di lectures at Mary Andrews College in pastoral ministry units. She has been on the faculty for 8 years, after 22 years in church ministry. Di also meets with individuals for professional pastoral supervision and mentoring, and regularly runs spiritual retreats.
Amy Yeung
DipTh, BA (Psych), MSoc.HealthCouns, GradDipDiv, MTS (Applied Theo)
Amy teaches in the areas of mental health and wellbeing. For over 15 years she has been studying these two fields and integrating them through her work with young people in Australia and Canada. Prior to joining the Mental Health and Pastoral Care Institute, she developed The Sanctuary Youth Series, a free youth mental health and faith resource.
Rev. Dr Keith Condie
BSc (Psych) (Hons), BTh (2nd Cl Hons), DipTh, MA (Theol), PhD
Keith teaches some of the units in the Graduate Certificate of Pastoral Care for Mental Health at Mary Andrews College. Keith and his wife Sarah are Co-Directors of the Mental Health and Pastoral Care Institute. They attend The Bridge Church. Keith was previously a lecturer and the Dean of Students at Moore Theological College.
Rev. Margery Mills
BA, BTh, DipTeaching (Early Childhood), DipMin, MA (Min)
Marge has been lecturing on the Mary Andrews College faculty since 2005. She and her husband are currently ministering at Denham Court Anglican Church and they have been involved in parish ministry since 1992. Marge also previously worked for Mary Andrews College from 1991-1993.
Karen Ray
BEcon, CertTheol, GradDipCouns, GradCertProfSupervision (Pastoral), GradCertProfSupervision (Practicuum), DipTh
Karen teaches Applied Pastoral Care and Pastoral Evangelism at Mary Andrews College. Karen also works as a Counsellor and as a Professional Pastoral Supervisor. Previously Karen practised as a Chartered Accountant for 21 years. Karen serves in pastoral and administrative capacities in the ministry team of Christ Church Mortdale, where she attends with her husband Stuart.
Kara Martin
MA(ChrStuds), MCom, BA(Comm)
Kara Martin is an author and lecturer. She is also on the Advisory Council for the Global Lausanne Movement Workplace Ministry and on the Board of the Karam Fellowship.
Kara has worked in media and communications, human resources, business analysis and policy development roles in a variety of organisations, and as a consultant. She is researching the variables for effective faith–work integration for workplace Christians.
Kamina Wüst
Kamina Wust is an author, speaker and lecturer. Kamina has a PhD in Biblical Studies (Old Testament) on the Song of Songs and is passionate about Old Testament Wisdom, sex, love, passion and related topics. She lectures at Queensland Theological College, Moore Theological College, Ridley College, Trinity College Queensland and Mary Andrews College teaching Old Testament topics and Biblical Hebrew. Before she studied the Bible, she studied theatre and music.
Betsy Rodgers
Betsy Rodgers is the Assistant Pastor, Wellbeing & Care, at The Bridge Church in Kirribilli where she is responsible for the Wellbeing & Care Ministry and the creation and promotion of a ‘culture of care’ throughout the church community. She is also a counsellor in private practice.