Partner with us
Mary Andrews College seeks to equip women to serve Christ through courses, workshops and events. Your partnership in the continuation of this work is enormously appreciated.
As a Christian college, we rely first and foremost upon the Lord our God. At the same time, we are enormously grateful for the support of our MAC community of alumni, current students and those who have been touched by the work of MAC.
How can our community support us? There are three key ways:
Pray, Give & Share
Join us in prayer for Mary Andrews College as we seek to equip women to serve Christ.
At Mary Andrews College we are very conscious that all we do is only worth doing because it is blessed by God, and part of God’s good purposes for the College and for each person associated with us.
One expression of this reliance on God is the enthusiasm with which we join together in prayer and call each other to a deeper practice of prayerfulness.
We greatly appreciate your prayers for our ministries. Please continue to pray for Mary Andrews College this year:
Pray for our students as they study and learn about God in their chosen units. Pray that, as they participate in their churches, what they learn in class will make an impact on their ministry to others. Please pray for those of our students who are experiencing difficult circumstances in their lives.
Pray for our students as they complete assignments. Give thanks for all that they have learned, and pray for opportunities for them to apply this learning in their places of work, ministry, communities and homes.
Pray for many more women to enrol in units at Mary Andrews College each semester, and that all units will have enough students to run. Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom for those currently considering studying with us, and that God would bring those who would benefit from further study about him and his word to Mary Andrews College.
Pray for the lecturers as they teach units. Pray that they would have enough time to carefully prepare all study materials for their units. Pray that they would teach faithfully what God wants them to teach.
Thank you for your prayers! They do make a difference.
Mary Andrews College exists to equip women to serve Christ through our courses, workshops and events. Your partnership in enabling our work to continue is enormously appreciated. There are three opportunities to give financially to support the work of the college and the women studying here:
1. Mary Andrews College Foundation
(ABN 18726898307)
The Mary Andrews College Foundation has been developed to raise funds for educational development.
Donations to the Mary Andrews College Foundation are tax deductible.
Please note that under tax law, the Foundation is not bound by donors’ preferences and retains the absolute discretion to apply the gift monies in the manner it sees fit. Please note that all donations are in Australian Dollars (AUD), and will be processed in Australia.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation, please get in touch.
2. Bequests
Mary Andrews College is committed to providing women with the best theological education available, but our commitment is also to teach practical skills that accompany that theology. In this way, we help women learn to apply God’s word to heart and mind, and equip them for a lifetime of service to Christ. You can be a part of our ongoing work if you choose to make a bequest to Mary Andrews College through your Will.
You might be able to leave money, property or shares.
Whether your gift is large or small, your generosity will ensure the ongoing theological education of women, who will then take the things they have learned into their families, their churches and their communities, to bring glory to God. Your gift will ensure that Mary Andrews College can grow and be equipped to meet current and future challenges.
For more information about how you can make a bequest to Mary Andrews College, click here or:
3. The Narelle Jarrett Bursaries
Our vision is to make the MAC Certificate Course accessible to women, even in difficult financial circumstances.
With this vision in mind, we have launched the Narelle Jarrett Bursaries aimed at enabling women whose finances would otherwise prevent them from undertaking the Certificate course.
Narelle Jarrett was a remarkable Christian woman. In her 22 years as Principal of Mary Andrews College she showed great vision and leadership in equipping women to serve in God’s kingdom. Part of her vision was to offer the Australian College of Theology’s Diploma course. She shaped the way it was taught with the needs of women in mind. It was offered part-time in school terms, and for a number of years offered childcare. It was for women and taught by women.
All these years later that vision is still guiding the ministry of MAC. In 2023 we established the Narelle Jarrett bursaries to remember and celebrate Narelle and to continue her legacy.
Narelle’s family and close friends agree that establishing these Bursaries is a perfect way to acknowledge her contribution to MAC.
The Certificate course offered by MAC is academically accessible to most but financially out of the reach of some. Donations to these Bursaries will support women in that financial situation. These will be women who are seeking to gain a greater understanding of the Bible and deepen their ministry and pastoral skills.
Donations to the Bursaries are not tax-deductible.
If you would like to make a non-tax-deductible donation, please get in touch.
Many of our students tell us that they did not have the confidence to take up theological study until somebody gave them a ‘tap on the shoulder’. That somebody may be a friend or family member, someone in their church family, or somebody in leadership in their church.
If you would like to support the work of the college, please be that ‘somebody’! Share with others how the college has impacted your life and faith, or give a Christian woman the ‘tap on the shoulder’ that she may need to encourage her to study at MAC and be better equipped to serve in ministry.
If you would like to share about Mary Andrews College your church to help us recruit new students, we have some resources below for you to use. Right-click on any of the images and select ‘Save Image As…’ to download them to your computer.
Print off these A5 flyers to share with women in your church:
These colour or black and white images are perfect to drop into your church bulletin or order of service (1/4 page A5 colour or black & white options):
Use this image in your powerpoint slides at church: