Contact Us

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Let us know how we can assist you with your specific requests here. We look forward to hearing from you.

Mary Andrews College Enquiries

Mary Andrews College Enquiries

Prospective Student
Our Dean of Students would love to discuss our course options with you and answer any questions you have about how study may work for you. If you would like to chat with the Dean of Students about this, please provide more information about your enquiry below in "additional comments" and she will be in touch with you.
MAC Student

Register Class Absence

Request Support

Recieve an Enrolment Form

Request an Extension
Please complete this form to apply for an extension.
Pay for my Student Fees
Please click here to go to pay for your student fees.
MAC Alumni
We love hearing from Alumni! Please tell us more about your connection with Mary Andrew's College when submitting your enquiry below in the 'additional comments' box. 
Update Details

Partner with Mary Andrews College

Thank you for expressing interest in sponsoring a student through the Narelle Jarrett bursary fund. Please fill out your contact details below, and a staff member will get back to you as soon as possible!

Thank you for your expression of interest in supporting the college through the foundation fund. A member of our staff will contact you shortly with some information, please enter your contact details below so we can contact you.

Thank you for your expression of interest to discuss partnership with one of our staff. Our staff will contact you as soon as possible, for now please enter your contact details in the fields below!

If you are wanting more information about financial partnership with us, please fill out your contact details below. You'll recieve an email from one of our staff soon with some more details!
Contact Details
The more information you can provide, the better our team can assist you. Thank you! 

Anglican Deaconess Ministries Limited Level 1 St Andrews House 464-480 Kent St Sydney NSW 2000

T +61 1300896530 ABN 11 069 533 482

Our Location

Mary Andrews College is located in the heart of the city of Sydney, in St Andrew’s House, next door to Town Hall.

Mary Andrews College
Level 1, St Andrew’s House
464-480 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000

Tel: 1300 590 531


How to find us

From George Street:

  • Walk between the Cathedral and the Sydney Town Hall, away from George St.

  • Use the middle entry to St Andrew's House.

  • Walk through the foyer, then turn left to find the lift.

  • Take the lift to Level 1, then turn right towards our MAC campus.

From Town Hall train station:

  • Use Exit 5 from Town Hall station, then walk through an underground arcade of shops called Town Hall Square to an escalator at the far end.

  • After you take this escalator up, turn left in front of the Red Cross.

  • Walk straight until you come to lifts in St Andrew's House.

  • Come up in the lift to Level 1, then turn right towards our MAC campus.

Car parking:

There may be parking available directly below our building in the Wilson Parking Station "St Andrew’s House - Town Hall Car Park". Please visit their website for availability and booking. Once you have parked, use the lift to come to ground level and then transfer directly opposite for the lift to Level 1.