The Mental Health & Pastoral Care Institute
How can churches better understand and address mental health and pastoral care issues? The Mental Health & Pastoral Care Institute at Mary Andrews College develops resources with this question in mind.
The Mental Health & Pastoral Care Institute (MHPCI) is part of Mary Andrews College and provides reformed evangelical churches and ministry leaders everywhere with biblically and theologically informed training and resources for pastoral care with excellence. Our primary purpose is to promote well-being while alleviating distress, especially for those experiencing mental illness.
We draw on the great wisdom and guidance offered in the Bible, combined with the best psychological and medical research. Our hope is that these resources will make a real and lasting impact on the mental and spiritual well-being of many in our churches and communities.
Sarah and Rev. Dr Keith Condie
Visit the Institute’s website for more information and resources to support individual’s and churches’ understanding of mental health and wellbeing:

Mary Andrews College is an affiliated college of the Australian University of Theology