Our Subjects

Mary Andrews College offers units spanning Biblical Studies, Christian Thought, and Ministry and Practice. Explore your subjects of interest.

Mary Andrews College teaches Graduate, Advanced Diploma and Diploma level courses of the Australian University of Theology, alongside our own Mary Andrews College Certificate course. For more information see our course page. Our 2025 units are now available.

Semester 1 2025

  • Ground yourself in the first-century truth of Jesus and the experience of his first followers. Explore how the early church wrestled with the challenges in the world around them as we examine the challenges in our own world.

    Learn more about this unit here

    Level: Graduate | Diploma

    Lecturers: Dr Louise Gosbell and Dr Viv Cheung

    Core Unit: This unit is not offered for all Graduate Courses. See AUT unit requirements for Graduate and Diploma

    Time: Thursday 10am-1pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Class Dates: March 6 - June 5

    For students studying the MAC Certificate: Classes run March 6 - April 10.

    MAC Certificate Level: Focusing on the Gospel and the book of Acts over 6 weeks.

    Lecturer: Rev. Marge Mills

    Core Unit: See MAC Certificate requirements

    Time: Thursday 10am-12pm

    12 hours class time (50 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (In person and online)

  • Navigating a complex world comes with an ethical compass. Engage with Scripture on a range of human experiences such as gender and sexuality, divorce and remarriage, abortion and euthanasia, and the environment.

    Learn more about this unit here

    Level: Graduate | Diploma | MAC Certificate

    Lecturer: Rev. Kate Snell

    Elective Unit: Develop a framework for making ethical decisions in a complex world. This unit is not offered for all Graduate Courses. See AUT unit requirements for Graduate and Diploma

    Time: Wednesday 10am-1pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Class Dates: March 4 - June 4

    For students studying the MAC Certificate: Classes will start on April 30. You will focus on a different ethical topic each week over 6 weeks.

    Elective Unit: See MAC Certificate requirements

    Time: Wednesday 10am-1pm April-June

    18 hours class time (50 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (in person and online)

  • Make sense of mental health challenges from a Christian perspective. Develop a sound biblical and theological understanding of mental health to inform your Christian ministry or professional work.

    Learn more about this unit here

    Level: Graduate | Diploma

    Lecturer: Jo Charles

    Core Unit for Graduate Certificate Pastoral Care for Mental Health; Elective Unit for other Graduate and Diploma courses: See AUT unit requirements for Graduateand Diploma

    Time: Wednesdays 4-7pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode:  (online only)

  • Develop a biblically and theologically informed approach to providing effective pastoral care for people living with mental ill-health and those caring for them. Discover the distinctive contributions churches and pastoral carers can offer alongside the work of mental health professionals.

    Learn more about this unit here

    Level: Graduate | Diploma

    Lecturer: Ali Courtney

    Core Unit for Graduate Certificate Pastoral Care for Mental Health; Elective Unit for other Graduate and Diploma courses: See AUT unit requirements for Graduateand Diploma

    Time: Tuesday 2-5pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (in person and online)

  • Discover the joy of God's eternal truth in the ancient scriptures, from the beauty of the garden, the tragedy of the fall, the complexity and danger of life in exile and the sustaining hope found in the promises of a saviour.

    Level: Graduate | Diploma | MAC Certificate

    Lecturer: TBC

    Core Unit for all levels: This unit is not offered for all Graduate Courses. See AUT unit requirements for Graduate and Diploma

    Time: TBC

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    MAC Certificate Level: Introduction to key themes in the Old Testament over 6 weeks

    Core Unit: see MAC certificate requirements

    Time: TBC

    12 hours class time (50 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (in person and online)

  • Distill the truths of the Christian faith expressed in one of the classics creeds. Receive guidance from the early church's own words of what it means to know the Trinitarian God, make him known, and live well as a Christian.

    Level: Graduate | Diploma

    Lecturers: Dr Nicole Starling and Rev. Kate Snell

    Core Unit: This unit is not offered for all Graduate Courses. See AUT unit requirements for Graduateand Diploma

    Time: Friday 10am-1pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (in person and online)

  • People today would describe themselves as 'spiritual' - what does it mean for a Christian to be spiritual? Learn how to practice Spiritual disciplines that enrich your life with Jesus, and enable us to live our ordinary lives with great purpose and meaning.

    Level: Diploma | MAC Certificate

    Lecturer: Rev. Di Morgan

    Elective Unit for Diploma

    Time: Wednesdays 10am-1pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    MAC Certificate Level: Provides students with an introduction to classic Christian spiritual disciplines and the opportunity to practice some of them over 5 classes

    Elective Unit for MAC Certificate

    Time: Wednesday 30/7 10-11am, then Wednesdays 6/8, 20/8, 3/9, 15/10 10am-1pm

    12 hours class time (50 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (In person and online)

  • It seems every workplace and school now has a focus on 'wellbeing.' Do Christians have anything to say in this space? Explore and critique historical and contemporary ideas about human flourishing and wellbeing from disciplines such as philosophy and positive psychology through a biblical and theological framework.

    Level: Graduate | Diploma

    Lecturer: Rev. Dr Keith Condie

    Core Unit for Graduate Certificate Pastoral Care for Mental Health; Elective Unit for other Graduate and D courses: See AUT unit requirements for Graduate and Diploma

    Time: Tuesdays, 2-5pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (in person and online)

  • 1 in 5 people in Australia live with some kind of disability. Yet, people with disability are described as the most unreached people group. Understand the issues of disability and inclusion from a biblical and practical perspective. Hear lived experiences of people with disability and their families.

    Level: Graduate | Diploma

    Lecturer: Dr Louise Gosbell

    Elective Unit for Graduate and Diploma courses.

    Time: Wednesday 4-7pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: (online only)

Semester 2 2025

Explore all our Units

Biblical Studies Units

Old Testament

Discover the joy of God's eternal truth in the ancient scriptures, from the beauty of the garden, the tragedy of the fall, the complexity and danger of life in exile and the sustaining hope found in the promises of a saviour.

  • Lecturer: TBC

    Core Unit: This unit is not offered for all Graduate Courses. See ACT unit requirements

    Time: TBC

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (in person and online)

  • Lecturer: TBC

    Core Unit: see ACT unit requirements

    Time: TBC

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (in person and online)

  • Introduction to key themes in the Old Testament over 6 weeks

    Core Unit: see MAC certificate requirements

    Time: TBC

    12 hours class time (50 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (In person and online)

Wisdom Literature (English)

Step into the world of Ancient Near East wisdom traditions. Probe the wit and woe of the biblical wisdom collection including Proverbs, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes and Job. Discover how they enrich and are enriched by the gospel of Jesus.

Selected Pauline Letters and Revelation: An Introduction

Delve into a part of the Bible that many find baffling. Closely examine John’s incredible letter of Revelation as well as learn how to apply the letter’s theological insights to your own life and ministry.

New Testament Overview

Ground yourself in the first-century truth of Jesus and the experience of his first followers. Explore how the early church wrestled with the challenges in the world around them as we examine the challenges in our own world.

Learn more about this unit here.

  • Lecturers: Dr Louise Gosbell and Dr Viv Cheung

    Core Unit: This unit is not offered for all Graduate Courses. See ACT unit requirements

    Time: Thursday 10am-1pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (in person and online)

  • Lecturers: Dr Louise Gosbell and Dr Viv Cheung

    Core Unit: See ACT unit requirements

    Time: Thursday 10am-1pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (in person and online)

  • Lecturer: Dr Louise Gosbell

    Core Unit: Focusing on the Gospel and the book of Acts over 6 weeks. See MAC Certificate requirements

    Time: Thursday 10am-1pm

    18 hours class time (50 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (In person and online)

Christian Thought Units

Foundational Christian Beliefs

Distill the truths of the Christian faith expressed in one of the classics creeds. Receive guidance from the early church's own words of what it means to know the Trinitarian God, make him known, and live well as a Christian.

  • Lecturers: Dr Nicole Starling and Rev. Kate Snell

    Core Unit: This unit is not offered for all Graduate Courses. See ACT unit requirements

    Time: Friday 10am-1pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (in person and online)

  • Lecturers: Dr Nicole Starling and Rev. Kate Snell

    Core Unit: See ACT unit requirements

    Time: Friday 10am-1pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (in person and online)

Christian Theology

Explore essential truths of the Christian faith: the character of God, Jesus and his saving works, the Holy Spirit’s transforming work in individuals and the church, and the believer’s hope which shapes life in the present.

Rise of Christianity

Be mentored by those who have gone before. Starting with the early Christians, hear the story of Christianity up to (and including) the Reformation. Our historical brothers and sisters from enable us to understand ourselves today.

Christianity in History From 1550

Explore our “family history” with us. Discover where we’ve come from and who we are through the lens of the last 500 years of Christianity. Be reinvigorated by our faith ancestors’ emphasis on personal devotion, social activism and mission work.

Biblical Theology of Work

Develop a new imagination for how you can partner with the work God is doing in the world, through your ordinary work. Draw wisdom from a comprehensive biblical narrative of work—paid and unpaid)—with God as worker and redeemer of work.

Christian Ethics

Navigating a complex world comes with an ethical compass. Engage with Scripture on a range of human experiences such as gender and sexuality, divorce and remarriage, abortion and euthanasia, and the environment.

Learn more about this unit here.

  • Lecturer: Rev. Kate Snell

    Elective Unit: Develop a framework for making ethical decisions in a complex world. This unit is not offered for all Graduate Courses. See ACT unit requirements

    Time: Wednesday 10am-1pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (in person and online)

  • Lecturer: Rev. Kate Snell

    Elective Unit: Develop a framework for making ethical decisions in a complex world. This unit is not offered for all Graduate Courses. See ACT unit requirements

    Time: Wednesday 10am-1pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (in person and online)

  • Lecturer: Rev. Kate Snell

    Elective Unit: Focus on a different ethical topic each week over 6 weeks. See MAC Certificate requirements

    Time: Wednesday 10am-1pm April-June

    18 hours class time (50 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (in person and online)

Ministry and Practice Units

Applied Pastoral Care

In this unit, you will develop your practical skills in pastoral care. You will learn how to ask helpful questions, listen effectively and employ boundaries. You will also learn how to apply the scriptures to important pastoral issues in your own life and as a foundation for ministry work in pastoral care.

  • Foundations of Pastoral Care (PC013-508) is a prerequisite for this unit. ACT unit requirements

Christian Spirituality

People today would describe themselves as 'spiritual' - what does it mean for a Christian to be spiritual? Learn how to practice Spiritual disciplines that enrich your life with Jesus, and enable us to live our ordinary lives with great purpose and meaning.

  • Lecturer: Rev. Di Morgan

    Elective Unit: See ACT unit requirements

    Time: Wednesdays 10am-1pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (in person and online)

  • Provides students with an introduction to classic Christian spiritual disciplines and the opportunity to practice some of them over 5 classes

    Lecturer: Rev. Di Morgan

    Elective Unit: See MAC Certificate requirements

    Time: Wednesday 30/7 10-11am, then Wednesdays 6/8, 20/8, 3/9, 15/10 10am-1pm

    13 hours class time (50 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (In person and online)

Disability and the People of God

1 in 5 people in Australia live with some kind of disability. Yet, people with disability are described as the most unreached people group. Understand the issues of disability and inclusion from a biblical and practical perspective. Hear lived experiences of people with disability and their families.

  • Lecturer: Dr Louise Gosbell

    Elective Unit: See ACT unit requirements

    Time: Wednesday 4-7pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: (online only)

  • Lecturer: Dr Louise Gosbell

    Elective Unit: See ACT unit requirements

    Time: Wednesday 4-7pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: (online only)

Theological Approaches to Wellbeing

It seems every workplace and school now has a focus on 'wellbeing.' Do Christians have anything to say in this space? Explore and critique historical and contemporary ideas about human flourishing and wellbeing from disciplines such as philosophy and positive psychology through a biblical and theological framework.

  • Lecturer: Rev. Dr Keith Condie

    Core Unit for Graduate Certificate Pastoral Care for Mental Health; Elective Unit for other Graduate courses: see ACT unit requirements

    Time: Tuesdays, 2-5pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (in person and online)

  • Lecturer: Rev. Dr Keith Condie

    Elective Unit: See ACT unit requirements

    Time: Tuesdays, 2-5pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (in person and online)

Foundations of Christian Mentoring

The Christian faith is not just a set of beliefs, it is a way of life… following the way of Jesus. And to do that it is helpful to have guides and fellow pilgrims. We might call them mentors, and we might be in at a place and stage where we can offer that gift to others. Come and learn what mentoring is, how to do it, what to avoid, and how Jesus mentored his disciples for all of life.

Foundations of Seniors Ministry

Getting old or living with dementia is tough! Christian pastoral care of older people and people living with dementia can make a huge difference. Develop a Biblical understanding of both aging and dementia, and build practical tools for sharing Jesus’ love in this critical context.

Pastoral and Church-Focussed Ministry Seminar: Theological and Pastoral Perspectives on Trauma

In this unit, you will have the opportunity to consider the nature and impact of trauma in its various forms upon individuals, families and communal groups. The unit provides you with a biblical and theological framework for understanding trauma and will help equip you apply the principles of trauma-informed care and practice in ministry and professional settings. The focus will be on trauma experienced in an Australian context.

Foundations of Pastoral Care

Improve your skills to care for others pastorally. This unit on pastoral care will introduce you to the biblical basis of caring and how to care for people in different stages of life and in a range of different situations and contexts. This unit will also give you the opportunity to practice and develop your skills in active listening, encouragement and dealing with conflict.

Pastoral Care for Those with Mental Ill-Health

Develop a biblically and theologically informed approach to providing effective pastoral care for people living with mental ill-health and those caring for them. Discover the distinctive contributions churches and pastoral carers can offer alongside the work of mental health professionals.

Learn more about this unit here.

  • Lecturer: Ali Courtney

    Core Unit for Graduate Certificate Pastoral Care for Mental Health; Elective Unit for other Graduate courses: See ACT unit requirements

    Time: Tuesday 2-5pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (in person and online)

  • Lecturer: Ali Courtney

    Elective Unit: See ACT unit requirements

    Time: Tuesday 2-5pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: hybrid (in person and online)

Theological Perspectives on Mental Health

Make sense of mental health challenges from a Christian perspective. Develop a sound biblical and theological understanding of mental health to inform your Christian ministry or professional work.

Learn more about this unit here.

  • Lecturer: Jo Charles

    Core Unit for Graduate Certificate Pastoral Care for Mental Health; Elective Unit for other Graduate courses: See ACT unit requirements

    Time: Wednesdays 4-7pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: (online only)

  • Lecturer: Jo Charles

    Elective Unit: See ACT unit requirements

    Time: Wednesdays 4-7pm

    36 hours class time (150 hours total study time)

    Delivery mode: (online only)

The best way to consider what to study next is to book an obligation-free chat with Dean of Students, Kate Snell.