Our Certificate course is designed for women who have a desire to deepen their understanding of the Bible and to develop their skills in caring for others. Taught by women for women.

The Mary Andrews College Certificate in Biblical Studies and Pastoral Care

The perfect course for those who don’t have previous theological training but want to develop their Christian understanding and pastoral care. All units seek to integrate what is taught with how we live as followers of Jesus Christ and how we care for others. 

Course Structure:

  • The core units give an introduction to 4 areas of study:

    • Old Testament (COT)

    • New Testament (CNT)

    • Christian Theology (CTC)

    • Pastoral Care (CPC)

  • Up to two different electives will be offered each semester.

    Elective units may include:

    • Disability Ministry (CDM)

    • Christian Spirituality (CCS)

    • Creative Skills in Ministry (CCSM)

    • Early Church History (CECH)

    • Pastoral Care for Mental Health (CPCMH)

    • Pastoral Care Skills (CPCS)

    • Seniors Ministry (CSM)

For the MAC Certificate, 2 additional elective units can be undertaken to complete an Advanced Certificate in Biblical Studies and Pastoral Care.

Semester 2 Units

  • Christian Theology

    Certificate (core unit)

    CCT • Rev. Kate Snell • Wednesdays

    Christian Theology will provide students with an introduction to key truths of the Christian faith: the character of God, the person and saving work of Jesus, the Holy Spirit’s transforming work in individuals and the church, and the believer’s hope which shapes life in the present.

  • Creative Skills in Ministry

    Certificate (elective)

    CCSM • Rev. Marge Mills • Mondays

    People learn in different ways. For some, the written word and verbal messages communicate effectively. For others, creative expression through art, music and drama speak more powerfully. This subject will look at effective communication of Bible truths through a range of creative mediums and give you practical creative skills to apply to your ministries.

  • Pastoral Care Skills

    Certificate (elective)

    CPCS • Karen Ray • Tuesdays

    Pastoral Care Skills builds on Pastoral Care to further enhance pastoral listening and other pastoral skills, especially through reflection on the student’s use of those skills in order to deepen the student’s capacity to care well for others.

Certificate: Core Units

  • image of temple mount in Jerusalem

    Introduction to the Old Testament

    COT • 12 hours class time (50 hours total study time)

    Introduction to the Old Testament engages students with an introduction to key themes in the Old Testament: the Creator God of grace and mercy, the Redeemer God who promises forgiveness and hope, the faithful God who speaks through his prophets to give hope of a fresh start with the coming of God’s Messiah.

  • Introduction to the New Testament

    CNT • 12 hours class time (50 hours total study time)

    Introduction to the New Testament provides students with an introduction to Jesus: his world, who he showed himself to be, and his mission to reach the world. Reflecting on Jesus and the early church will help students have greater confidence in their faith in today’s world.

    (This unit is not offered being in 2024)

  • Christian Theology

    CCT • 12 hours class time (50 hours total study time)

    Christian Theology will provide students with an introduction to key truths of the Christian faith: the character of God, the person and saving work of Jesus, the Holy Spirit’s transforming work in individuals and the church, and the believer’s hope which shapes life in the present.

    (This unit was previously called Knowing God in 2023.)

  • Pastoral Care

    CPC • 12 hours class time (50 hours total study time)

    Pastoral Care gives students a biblical foundation for pastoral care, as well as providing some practical skills in listening and caring well for others.

    (This unit previously called Pastoral Care Skills 1 in 2023.)

Certificate: Elective Units

  • hands rest in prayer on a bible. Sunset in the background.

    Christian Spirituality

    CCS • 12 hours class time (50 hours total study time)

    This 4 week subject will provide students with an introduction to classic Christian spiritual disciplines and the opportunity to practice some of them.

  • Creative Skills in Ministry

    CCSM • 12 hours class time (50 hours total study/creative time)

    People learn in different ways. For some people the written word and verbal messages communicate effectively. For others, creative expression through art, music and drama speak more powerfully. This subject will look at effective communication of Bible truths through a range of creative mediums and give you practical creative skills to apply to your ministries.

  • Disability Ministry

    CDM • 12 hours class time (50 hours total study time)

    isability Ministry will give students a biblical foundation for disability-inclusive ministries as well as provide some practical skills in how to make churches more disability inclusive.

  • Early Church History

    CECH • 12 hours class time (50 hours total study time)

    Early Church History is an introduction to God at work in the first 1000 years of the Christian church and gives us encouragement, insights and more understanding about the church today.

  • Pastoral Care for Mental Health

    CPCMH • 12 hours class time (50 hours total study time)

    Mental illness affects nearly one in four Australians. Pastoral Care for Mental Health will help students begin to learn about mental health issues from a Christian perspective. They’ll be introduced to some practical skills to pastorally care for those who struggle with mental ill-health.

  • Pastoral Care Skills

    CPCS • 12 hours class time (50 hours total study/practical time)

    Pastoral Care Skills builds on Pastoral Care to further enhance pastoral listening and other pastoral skills, especially through reflection on the student’s use of those skills in order to deepen the student’s capacity to care well for others.

    (This unit was previously called Pastoral Care Skills 2 in 2023)

  • Seniors' Ministry

    CSM • 12 hours class time (50 hours total study time)

    This unit considers broadly the changing needs, issues, challenges and opportunities of people as they age and the implication of that as they give and receive ministry, their place in the life of the church and appropriate support for those caring for the ageing.

More information about our Certificate course

Time commitment:

Each unit requires 50 demand hours. This includes 12 hours of class time plus additional time for completing required readings as well as researching for and writing your assignments.

Course delivery:

Units are taught in hybrid mode - so students can attend in person on campus, or can attend online at the schedule class times.

If all, or nearly all, students select to attend online, you will be informed that the unit will only be offered online in that semester.

Admission requirements:

Open to persons who have satisfactorily completed Year 10 in an Australian school system (or equivalent); or other persons approved by the MAC Dean of Students.

There is no academic requirement to audit a unit.

MAC has an application process that involves completing an application form and providing the names of two referees. All applicants will also need to agree to MAC’s Code of Conduct which you can read ahead of applying.


For 2024, the cost of each MAC Certificate unit is $425 per unit. Auditing a MAC Certificate unit (without completing the assignments) is $180.

Please enquire if you need to pay in instalments.

For information about Narelle Jarrett Bursaries for MAC Certificate students, see our Fees page.

(Students enrolled in the MAC Certificate are not eligible to receive a FEE-HELP loan from the government.)


Auditing is where you don’t undertake any of the assessments, nor do you receive a qualification, but you do gain great insights personally and also for your ministry.

What do I need to engage in this course?

This course includes digital and online components. You will need access to a device and reasonable-quality internet that allows you to engage on Zoom with audio and video. The classroom component of the subject is live and designed to be interactive, and therefore sound and video make your experience and those of others far richer. You will also need a device to access resources such as class notes and online library resources, including ebooks, and to submit assignments. At Mary Andrews College, we want to assist you at each stage of your learning journey, and we can point you in the right direction for your digital and online experience.

What will a MAC Certificate qualify me to do?

The MAC Certificate may be studied as part of preparation for lay ministry or simply to help students grow in their knowledge, understanding and application of God’s word. The MAC Certificate offers an excellent entry point into theological training which can help prepare students for further study or provide a solid foundation for lay ministry. The right combination of units as part of the MAC Certificate may qualify a student to become a Community Chaplain.

Further information

The MAC Certificate is an internal program of study and is not offered through the Australian College of Theology (ACT). If you have previously started the ACT’s Certificate in Theology course but not finished it, MAC can give you credit for units completed within the last ten years towards the MAC Certificate in Biblical Studies and Pastoral Care. (Please enquire about receiving credit for previous completed units.)

For any further questions or clarification about studying at MAC, you might like to look at our Frequently Asked Questions page.